To share the transformative love of Jesus Christ with every college student in Omaha.

What is a Newman Center?
Newman Centers are hubs for Catholic college ministries, located on campuses around the world.
We provide a home base for students looking to grow spiritually and socially through connection. Our community began as a movement on UNO’s campus known as MavCatholic. In 2016, the JPII Newman Center was built as a dedicated space for all college students in Omaha to hang out, meet lifelong friends, study, and grow closer to Jesus. Our Newman Center is here for you!
Our Staff
Father Dan Andrews
Dan.Andrews@JPiiOmaha.org -
Father Scott Schilmoeller
Director of Vocations and Priest-in-Residence
saschilmoeller@archomaha.org -
Deacon Omar Gutierrez
Deacon omar.g@eicatholic.org
Susan Gnann, CAP®
Director of Advancement
Susan.Gnann@JPiiOmaha.org -
Katie Winkler
Campus Minister
Katie.Winkler@JPiiOmaha.org -
Beth Carlson
Director of Residence Life
Beth.Carlson@JPiiOmaha.org -
Renee Hendricks
Business Manager
Renee.Hendricks@JPiiOmaha.org -
Amber Loecker
Assistant Director of Advancement Amber.Loecker@jpiiomaha.org
Sarah Bohnenkamp
Administrative Assistant slbohnenkamp@jpiiomaha.org
Meg Collins
Marketing & Recruiting Manager
Zach Worthing
Facilities Manager
Annette Billingsley
Facilities Caretaker
Rosie Andrews
Hospitality Coordinator
FOCUS Missionaries
Madison Richter Egger
FOCUS Team Lead madison.richteregger@focus.org
Alexis McGlachlin
FOCUS Missionary
Sophie Jones
FOCUS Missionary sophia.jones@focus.org
Brynn Paumen
FOCUS Missionary brynn.paumen@focus.org
Jacob Bednar
FOCUS Missionary
Kyler McGlachlin
FOCUS Missionary
Ryan DeBenedetto
FOCUS Missionary ryan.debenedetto@focus.org
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Connect with us and join us at faculty/staff events at JPII Newman